Ashtanga Yoga Classes in Liverpool
Yoga for all Levels

These Yoga classes are open to all levels. You are encouraged to work at your own pace. All yoga classes are located in Liverpool City Centre. If you have any questions see Frequently Asked Questions or contact Helen Aldred.
You can book your space in advance online here. If you have to cancel you will be a credit for another class as long as you cancel within one hour of the class.
Cost of Yoga Classes
Drop in 1 hour/ 75 mins: £8.00 (£7.00 concessions)
Drop in 90 minutes: £9.00 (£8.00 concessions)
7 Yoga classes 1 hour/75 mins: £49 (£42.00 concessions)
7 Yoga classes -90 minutes £56.00 (£49.00 concessions)
*students and unemployed
View Timetable
Beginners Ashtanga Yoga Class
The perfect class for those of you who are new to Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga and those of you looking for a slightly easier yoga class where you can develop a strong foundation. A great introduction to Ashtanga Yoga for all levels and abilities with an emphasis on the standing postures. Benefits you will discover include increased focus, relaxation, strength and flexibility. There are several beginners classes across the week making it easier for you to fit it into your life.
Ashtanga Level 2-3
This 75 minute class is for a great next step for you if you have been to a few of my beginners classes and want to practice more of the ashtanga sequence. This class will be challenging but achievable for anyone with some previous experience of ashtanga. We will explore and build up to more challenging poses of the sequence. As always modifications will be given to meet you where you are at. I recommend attending a few beginners classes before attending this class, after that it is the perfect next step for anyone looking at developing their practice. More advanced students are also welcome to join.

Ashtanga Primary Series Explored
In these yoga classes you will look at the primary series in depth. A dynamic led class, great for more experienced practitioners. Wednesday’s class will sometimes offer the opportunity to work on specific aspects of the practice in more depth, so if there is something you want to work on let me know. A great way to challenge your body and your mind. The last Wednesday of the month will be full Primary Series.
Ashtanga Mysore Style
A traditional Ashtanga yoga class as taught in Mysore, India. In this class you will work through as much of the sequences as is appropriate for you, this allows you to have a practice which is specific to your level. I adjust and instruct the students individually, rather than leading the class as a whole, so you get very personalised advice. There is no need to have memorised the sequence before coming to the class, as this will come with practice. A great way to develop a home practice. Currently I am teaching Mysore style as weekly intensives, find out more here or sign up for Mysore intensive email list here.